Virtual Tours for engineering companies

Virtual Tours for engineering companies

Thanks to the rise of things like Google’s Street View and Apple’s Maps — with a little help from the lockdowns during the Covid-19 pandemic; virtual tours for engineering companies are now more popular than ever before. Combining all the convenience of the internet with an immersive experience, they mean that anyone can visit anywhere from the comfort of their armchair or sofa.

While many tours are created to replicate visits that might take place in real life, like meandering around tourist attractions or viewings of houses, they can also allow people to see behind the scenes. VT’s are easy to create, once set up, people can see the places and processes they would never normally get to see. Virtual tours for engineering companies are an example of this. They allow people to virtually visit operations that are normally closed, and possibly even dangerous.

These virtual tours for engineering companies can serve a lot of purposes. They are, of course, great for the curious. A virtual tour means that people can see what happens inside a factory, or at their favourite company. But they also mean that potential customers can see inside. They can also help investors see the processes that they are buying into.

And it does all this without needing the additional controls that visits require. When someone is sitting behind their own computer, or using their own device, there’s no need for safety equipment, waivers, briefings. And it eliminates the risk that external contamination might have for some processes.

How are virtual tours beneficial for engineering companies?

A virtual tour can also allow people a much closer look than they would ordinarily get. When being created, the cameras will take a series of photographs to create a 360º image. They can then stitch these all together, along with other data, to create the 3D model that people can wander around in at their leisure.

However, you can also create embedded links within the tours. For example, a particular part of the process might have a link to a video that shows it close up. Another part of the process might have a simple pop-up that features data about the process’s outputs. While another link might link to a product information page, complete with opportunities for people to buy direct.

Above all, it’s immersive. People can navigate at their leisure and focus on what they want. Or it can even be used instead of a presentation or brochure. Everyone has heard the term ‘death by PowerPoint’, but an immersive presentation that, literally, walks potential customers and partners through the industrial process is immediately more engaging.

Perhaps the real beauty of the virtual tour is its versatility. As a digital asset, it can be used however wanted or needed. Whether that’s on a website for the public, or information documents for prospective clients. Once created, a virtual tour can work for you in any number of ways, ensuring that you can showcase your engineering, however and whenever you want.

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