Matterport embedding & URL parameters – reference

Show navigation tips or help when the tour starts – &help=


nullDefaultShow help for new users (those who have never opened a Matterport model before).
0 Do not show help at all.
1 Always show help when the Matterport model opens.
2 Always show help when the Matterport model opens. More concise help text than &help=1.

Show or hide the highlight reel upon launch = &hl=


 0 Default if highlight reel
does not have a 360º View
Briefly show the highlight reel upon launch before hiding.
1Default if highlight reel
does have a 360º View
Keep the highlight reel visible upon launch. 
2 Keeps the highlight reel collapsed. This option is only available if there is no 360º View in the highlight reel. If there is a 360º View then &hl=1 behavior will be used.

On mobile, when virtual tour is embedded in a webpage, when viewer presses ‘play’, does it open in webpage or new tab? &nt=

Example (works on mobile only):

 0 DefaultOnly for mobile. If a Matterport model is embedded on a webpage, then when user presses the play button 3D Showcase opens in the same browser tab.
1 Only for mobile. If a Matterport model is embedded on a webpage, then when user presses the play button, 3D Showcase opens in a new browser tab.

Automatically start the guided tour? &ts=


<integer>Number of seconds after initial fly-in before the Guided Tour automatically starts. Help is not shown. Set to a negative number to not start the Guided Tour.

Make the iframe containing the virtual tour responsive

<div style="padding-bottom:56.25%; position:relative; display:block; width: 100%">
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="xr-spatial-tracking" style="position:absolute; top:0; left: 0"></iframe>

Hide the ‘dollhouse’ view when the virtual tour starts. &dh=


0 Hide Dollhouse View in introductory fly-in. Hide Dollhouse Button in the bottom left corner of the 3D Showcase UI. Hides Dollhouse and Floorplan view snapshots in the highlight reel.
1 DefaultShow Dollhouse View

Hide or show the virtual reality option within the tour. &vr=


 0  Hide the VR button.
1DefaultShow the VR button.