Reasons why virtual tours can help sell property

Reasons why virtual tours can help sell property

Virtual tours have been growing in popularity over the years. Initially, they were, perhaps, seen as something of a gimmick, used by early adopting estates and something of a nice-to-have. A little extra that people could look at before a viewing, or to remind themselves afterwards.

However, the Covid-19 pandemic changed all that. With initial viewings all but banned, sellers and buyers were forced to find new ways to make house-hunting possible. Combined with the growing preference for the virtual tours rather than initial viewings — buyers spent longer house-hunting online even before the pandemic — there are lots of reasons why virtual tours can help sell property.

How a virtual tour works

A virtual tour offers a panoramic view of the house, inside and out. With images taken from well-positioned points throughout the property, the software will create a Google StreetView-like version of the property. Once this has been created, potential buyers can interact with it in two ways.

The first is just like looking at a street view on a map, they can simply wander around, moving their view to explore the property. This means they can linger in the rooms they are interested in. So, while most people might be more interested in the kitchen, if they want to spend a while in a spare room, thinking about how it could be an office or a nursery they aren’t held back by an estate agent or recorded tour.

The second way is as a tour. Either the seller or the agent can guide the potential buyer around the home, highlighting key features or selling points. This means that potential buyers can have the best of both worlds, and can have viewings in their own time, from anywhere in the world.

What are the benefits of virtual tours and how can they help sell property?

Virtual tours help streamline the search process for homebuyers, minimising the wasted time for everyone.

The estate agent can minimise time spent on wasted viewings. They can set up the virtual tour on their initial visit to the home, and when people do request a viewing, they will do so knowing that they have some interest. Of course, they might spot things in real life that puts them off, but there won’t be any buyers who don’t have some idea of what the property is like.

The seller benefits by the reduction in viewings as well. Not only do they avoid the constant disruption of people coming to view, which might impact on their work and family life. They also no longer have to keep the house tidy and pristine, ready for unexpected viewings!

And finally, the buyers benefit. They can see properties and form an impression without having to traipse around between them. Buyer surveys have shown that they hugely prefer virtual tours to photos, finding them more convenient, especially where then might be access issues, such mobility or distance. And, if nothing else, it means buyers can get lots of decor ideas, even from the homes they decide are not for them! These are our reasons as to why virtual tours can help sell property

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