Getting a virtual tour done for your school, college, university or nursery provides a whole range of benefits to staff, students and parents. However, first and foremost, allowing visitors to explore and look around without needing to visit in person means there are not risk assessments or Covid related issues you need to worry about. Some of the other main benefits include:
- Virtual tours for schools, colleges, universities and nurseries support enhanced transition for students with special educational needs. For many, the thought of going somewhere can be a very scary prospect. With a virtual tour, people can explore in the quiet from the safety of familiar surroundings without needing to physically needing to visit
- Allows foreign students & those who are not within easy travelling distance to view and explore your college, or university without them actually having to travel. Give them the link or URL and they can look around when it’s convenient for them regardless of where in the world or which time-zone they’re in
- Allows virtual presentation using Teams or Zoom. Show a group of unlimited size around in real-time using technology such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Allows people to ask questions as you go too.
- Includes automatic guided tour. Decide what you’d like to show visitors and in what order and they can simply press ‘play’ and sit back to go on an automatic guided tour.
- No need to risk assessments. Easily show individuals or groups around your lecture theatres, classrooms, outdoor areas, facilities and other areas without anyone having to actually visit in person.
- Help people navigate and orientate themselves in large buildings. With a virtual tour from 360 Virtual View you can zoom out and see the building as if it were a doll’s house – roof and ceiling removed. Rotate, zoom, and view from any angle to see corridors and rooms as they really are. This is an excellent way of helping people to navigate and find their way around new buildings. You can also email direct links to, for example, classrooms or lecture theatres
- Fully Covid-safe. Virtual tours allow anyone to visit and explore with no danger of virus transmission
- Provides great content for social media.
- Can be password protected meaning you can control who sees your virtual tour
- Show people areas that would not normally be accessible by the public
Example nursery virtual tour
The following virtual tour is an example of virtual tours for nurseries. It can often be problematic to show people around nurseries. For example, visits need to be timed to fit in with naps & meal times; and they will also take up resources such as staff time. A virtual tour allows prospective parents to initially explore when it’s convenient for them. That way, you’ll also reduce the number of wasted in-person tours you need to provide.
Example school virtual tour
School open days may never be the same as they once were following the pandemic, but a virtual tour still allows people to visit and explore your school. No need for risk assessments and extra costs. Virtual tours for schools can also be used throughout the year to provide all the other benefits such as supporting enhanced transitions for students.
Example college virtual tour
College open days may not be able to go ahead as normal in the foreseeable future, however, students still want to be able to see where they would potentially be studying. Virtual tours for colleges allow students and parents to look around whilst also supporting virtual open days. Take a group on a virtual guided tour using Zoom or Teams (allowing you to answer questions as you go). Then let the parents and students explore at leisure.
Example University virtual tour
Universities want to attract the best students and students want to go to the best university for them. A virtual tour allows universities to show their facilities and where the students will be learning. Students are able to get a great feel for the university and where they’ll be studying. The university virtual tour in conjunction with the other traditional resources supports both universities and students. Virtual tours for universities also support open days and allow students to see where they’ll be studying
Example student accommodation virtual tour
Of course, students moving to a new city to study are also going to need accommodation. A virtual tour of student accommodation is a fantastic way to show university accommodation as students can get a great feel for the rooms and communal areas. This example is a virtual tour for a large student accommodation block in Sheffield